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I am so excited that November is here! Not only is it my birthday soon but there are so many exciting things coming up! Aside from my birthday, I will be attending two conferences this month. First, I will attend the Texas Counseling Association in Dallas, Texas. I am excited to see the different presentations and having the opportunity to network with other professionals. I will also get a chance to see my family. They will be making the 4-hour trip from Houston to see little old me. That weekend will be the motivation I will need to get through the rest of the semester. A week later, I will be attending the Virginia Counseling Association here in Williamsburg. I am so excited to see some of my cohort friends presenting. And last but not least: Thanksgiving! Having all these events coming up is helping my semester go faster. After Thanksgiving, I will only need to worry about 2.5 weeks of school. And then starts the long journey of driving back home for the Holidays.